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How to Sober Up from Weed: 11 Ways to Recover Quickly

By Last updated on April 30, 2024Last updated on April 30, 2024No Comments

Even long-time stoners can consume too much weed. The first hit of the day, trying new cannabis products, taking too big of a rip from a bong; these are all things that can accidentally take your weed high over the edge.

Flower vs. Edibles

First, it is important to note the distinction between a high from traditional flower and one from cannabis-infused edibles. The body’s process of metabolizing THC differs between smoking and ingesting.

After smoking cannabis, THC is absorbed by the lungs and carried directly into the brain, creating an immediate peak of effects, followed by a rapid decline over the course of 1-3 hours.

When it comes to consuming edibles, the absorption process is slow. The THC is first metabolized in the liver and converted into 11-hydroxy-THC, which is effective at crossing the blood-brain barrier. This process takes anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours, making it quite the challenge to find the right dose. The standard dose for an edible is 10 milligrams of THC; this creates mild-medium effects which will last for several hours. The trick with edibles is to start with a small amount and be patient.


Ways to Sober Up From Weed


Getting too high on THC is not fun. Exceeding your limit can cause you to feel paranoid, anxious, and nauseous among other things. Luckily, there are many methods for counteracting the effects of being too high on weed.

Method 1: Black Peppercorn

Black peppercorn is not only common in a household but is an effective ingredient in toning down the high from weed. According to a 2011 review from the British Journal of Pharmacology, black peppercorns have terpenes in them that seem to tone down the psychoactive effects of THC.

Try grinding some fresh black pepper and mix it in some water. After drinking this you should start to feel some relief.

Method 2: Counteract with CBD

Decades of research have proven that cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive cannabinoid abundantly found in the weed plant, can reduce THC-induced anxiety and paranoia. CBD has the ability to block THC from binding with the cannabinoid receptors in your brain which reduces its psychoactive effects. CBD is currently being used clinically as a treatment for psychosis which suggests it may help you come down from an intense, cerebral high.

CBD comes in many different forms, therefore, it is recommended to try a few different products to figure out what works most effectively for you.

More research is needed to reaffirm the synergistic effects between THC and CBD, however, integrating a high-CBD strain or some CBD oil into your next smoke session could be effective means to avoid too strong of a high.

Method 3: Eat a Heavy Meal

Eating fatty foods while stoned may not just be a symptom of the munchies, it can also help reduce the effects of THC. After THC hits your bloodstream, it seeks to quickly penetrate and bind to fatty tissue. Eating fatty foods will influence cannabinoids to bind and metabolize faster, leaving you with a less intense high.

Method 4: Drink Water

Drinking water can help you feel calmer when you are too high. The reason is that it can help you focus your racing mind on something simple and familiar, sipping and swallowing. Drinking water will also help you hydrate. It will mitigate some of the negative side effects of taking in too much cannabis, including dry mouth.

Some people might also consider drinking juice in this scenario, however, be mindful about what kind of juice you choose as they are not all equal. Mangoes contain myrcene, which is a terpenoid that has the ability to enhance and extend the effects of THC.

Method 5: Take Some Ibuprofen

Ingesting a dose of ibuprofen can slow down the effects from being too high. Ibuprofen is proven to reduce the negative side effects of THC based upon recent studies. It found that certain anti-inflammatory medications, which include ibuprofen, have the ability to negate the negative cerebral effects of THC.

Method 6: Orange or Lemon Zest

Citrus fruit rinds contain the terpenoid limonene. Research shows that limonene may provide calming effects. Chewing on a citrus peel like a lemon or orange will help you become calmer if you are feeling anxious due to high doses of THC. Some people may suggest you drink the juice of an orange or lemon if you have consumed too much THC, however, the amount of limonene in these juices is rather small compared to the rinds.

Biting into the rind of an orange or lemon may be quite bitter, but it is perfectly safe and very healthy. Oranges and lemon rinds are not only full of limonene, but also minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Rather than consuming the entire rind try using just the zest of the peel. Add some lemon or orange zest to your beverage of choice or add it to a meal or just eat it plain.

Method 7: Remember That This Feeling is Temporary

If you get too high from weed, it is quite common to panic and conclude that the high may last forever. Try to remember that the feeling of being high is just temporary. What you want to do is calm down, relax, take a deep breath and just wait until the effects wear off. You are going to feel like your old self again as the THC high fades.

Method 8: Engage In Cardio Exercise

If a high dose of THC has your mind racing, try doing some cardio exercise. Endorphins are released during cardiovascular activity which will encourage relaxation, an elevation in mood, and general calmness. Cardio exercise is definitely a solid technique for sobering up from THC, make sure to listen to your body. If you are feeling nauseous then perhaps it is best to lay down and do an easier activity that still can be stimulating.

Method 9: Distract Yourself

Doing something that will take your attention away from being high is the best way to pass the time until you feel sober again. Try doing an activity that is easy, stimulating, and rewarding. Try several different activities to find what works best for you. Good examples include watching a movie, listening to some music, playing board games, playing a musical instrument, or talking with a good friend.

Method 10: Take a Shower or a Bath

If you are in the comfort of your home, taking a warm shower or bath will encourage you to calm down. Being immersed in warm water is very relaxing and can help slow down any negative thoughts or feelings.

You can also try taking a cold shower, which can be especially beneficial if you are very anxious or feeling panicked. According to research, taking a cold shower for a minute or two engages a response of deep breathing. This action will increase oxygen levels and cardiac function, which lowers blood pressure and improves circulation, resulting in a calmer mind and body.

Method 11: Sleep

Sleep can be helpful when you have gone overboard with weed. Your body repairs and regenerates itself when you sleep. Also, sleep is a great way to basically skip through time until you are no longer high.

If sleeping is not coming easily to you, try focusing on closing your eyes while taking deep breaths. If your mind is able to relax, let yourself drift off to sleep. If you cannot fall asleep, then just laying down can still help promote relaxation.

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