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50 Jobs That Don’t Drug Test [+12 Companies]

By Last updated on November 15, 2024Last updated on November 15, 2024No Comments
Jobs That Do Not Drug Test
Iftikhar Alam


Reviewed by Cannabis Experts

Published on: November 17, 2020 | Updated on: November 15, 2024

There is a good chance that you have had to take a drug test for employment purposes at some point in your working life or that you may have to in the future. An estimated 56% of American employers require some form of drug testing.

The legalization of cannabis has helped spur the conversation around the usefulness of drug testing, and American companies are beginning to take notice. Regardless of the company, certain types of jobs still have mandated drug screenings. However, you can still find many high-paying jobs that do not drug test.

What is Drug Testing?

Drug testing is a practice used by employers to detect the presence of illegal substances, drugs, or medication in an employee or candidate’s system. The test can range from urine, saliva, or blood, all of which are there to detect the presence of THC.

It also checks for the presence of cannabis, cocaine, or opiates, and at times, other stimulants like amphetamine and benzodiazepines are also looked into, as employees often overdose and abuse these.

The drug test may be conducted before employment, as random tests during employment, or after an accident.

Reasons for Drug Testing

While there are many jobs that do not drug test, others that do so have their reasons for it. These include:

  • Safety Concerns: If you are employed in a safety-sensitive position, such as construction, manufacturing, or transport industries, your employer may require you to undergo the test to ensure safety and prevent injuries and accidents.
  • Productivity: Substance abuse can affect an employee’s ability to perform tasks. Hence, employers conduct tests to maintain high productivity and performance.
  • Legal matters: Some industries are legally required to conduct the practice as part of regulatory compliance.
  • Company Policy: Some organizations have a drug work policy as part of their corporate culture. This policy promotes the health and well-being of the employees.

Jobs that Do Not Drug Test

Here are the top jobs or positions that do not conduct drug tests.

1. Chef

If restaurants tested their kitchen employees for drugs then they would never be able to fill out a staff. Anyone who has worked in a kitchen before will attest to this. Being a chef is a creative and rewarding career path for those with a passion for food and cannabis. Nowadays, some restaurants in legal states are looking to combine the two.

2. Restaurant Manager

As explained above, restaurants cannot afford to test their employees. This commonly includes all employees from the top to the bottom. Restaurant Manager is a position for those who are good at managing a team and setting schedules. Problem-solving and stress management are also a huge part of the job and cannabis is the perfect anecdote.

3. Caterer

Caterers do not necessarily work in restaurants but their standards generally align with those of chefs and cooks. A caterer job requires food skills and enthusiasm as well as some basic people skills.

4. Server

A continuing theme here: nobody in the foodservice industry is expected to take drug tests. They will expect you not to be high while working but outside of work what you do in your own time is irrelevant and that certainly applies to the serving staff.

5. Accountant/Bookkeeper

If you work as an accountant or bookkeeper for a company then they may decide to drug test you. However, if you are a contract accountant then you have no affiliation with a specific company and therefore they have no obligation to drug test you.

6. Information Technology (IT) Consultant

IT jobs are among the fastest-growing career opportunities. If you have a decent set of computer skills and personal skills then this could be a good career for you. IT consultants are not expected to drug test.

7. Audio Recording Engineer

Jobs in the music industry are available to people with specific skills in computer technology, software programs, and audio engineering. These jobs are for artists and creatives and therefore drug tests are simply not a part of the equation.

8. Event Planner or Consultant

If you are an outgoing, organized person who likes to assemble large gatherings then consider being an event specialist. The clients that hire you to set up their events are not going to expect you to have taken any sort of drug tests.

9. Computer Programmer

Job positions like programmers are similar to IT jobs and follow the same expectations. Most programmers are contract workers and therefore are not expected to drug test. If you work full-time as a programmer for a company then this may change, depending on the company standards.

10. Mobile Applications Developer

Mobile app developers are in high demand right now and companies can seldom afford to waste time and money to drug test them. Most app developers are self-employed and work from home, making drug tests irrelevant. If you have tech skills and want to be involved in cutting-edge development then look no further.

11. Web Designer/Developer

Similar to a mobile app developer, web developers and designers often are self-employed and therefore do not need to succumb to drug tests.

12. Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Graphic design and illustration continue our list of technology design careers and as you guessed, they do not drug test. This is a tech field that boasts more creativity than most so it is perfect for artists with good computer skills.

13. Video Game Designer

Companies that develop video games often craft workplaces that are fun and collaborative. While a few of them may test their applicants, most do not, and therefore if you like video games and ganja then you may have a match made in heaven.

14. Computer Animator or Visual Effects Artist

Applicants who have skills with 2D or 3D animation and special effects do not need to expect a drug test. Like with video game designers, the workplace atmosphere is more about enhancing creativity through collaborative means rather than having rigid policies against drugs.

15. Film Producer

Producing movies does not involve having to provide drug screenings. Artists in any field seldom take mandatory drug tests. Being a film producer takes a lot of determination and networking so do not expect to just fall into one of these jobs.

16. Fashion Designer

The world of fashion design is both glamorous and ganja-friendly. You could be a self-employed fashion designer or work for a company but just do not expect any drug tests.

17. Interior Designer

Very few design studios will ask their applicants to perform a drug test. If you have an eye for design and a concept of engineering then this is a good career for you. It is both creative and tangible.

18. Photographer

Most photographers are freelancers and therefore will never take a drug test in their professional lives. This is great because being creative has no bearing on being a drug-free individual. Being a photographer nowadays is easier than ever with the rise of user-friendly yet high-quality cameras.

If you want to become a photographer then go out and buy a camera and see where your imagination takes you.

19. Cosmetologist

Hairstylists, nail technicians, and other beauty professionals are not expected to drug test both before or during employment. You will be hard-pressed to find a salon that mandates their employees to test for drugs.

If you think beauty is only a hobby for you, think again. Having passion and skill for beauty techniques is the only requirement for this career path.

20. Skin Care Specialist

This job is similar to cosmetology but skincare clinics demand more medical expertise. Nevertheless, the requirements regarding drug screenings are the same; virtually non-existent.

21. Makeup Artist

Makeup artists are so good at their jobs that they oftentimes go unnoticed. When you see someone on camera they have most likely gotten some makeup done beforehand.

This job is great for creative types who have skills and experience applying makeup to all kinds of people. And of course, this artistic job does not require drug testing.

22. Actor

Actors are expected to do many different performances; drug testing is not one of them. You will find that many creative jobs do not require drug tests and for good reason.

23. Dog Trainer

Dog trainers will find themselves with a lot of work. Man’s best friend is a creature that most usually needs some form of training especially early on in their lives. Animal instructors play important roles in training dogs.

You are not likely to find any trainers being rejected for a job because of the drugs they may use in their own private time.

24. Personal Fitness Trainer

Many gyms and fitness clubs do not have drug-testing policies, so finding employment as a cannabis user should not be a problem.

25. Floral Designer

As you may guess, a job in which you arrange colorful bouquets all day is not one where you need to provide urine samples. Many floral shops are small businesses that do not prioritize drug screenings.

26. Journalist

Many media organizations have ditched their drug screening policies adding journalism to the list of weed-friendly jobs. Some major media corporations may still test job applicants for drugs, so know exactly who you plan to work for.

27. Real Estate Agent

Most real estate agents are independent contractors which means they have no company telling them to take a drug test. Being a real estate agent is a potentially lucrative field but getting work is highly competitive.

28. Writer

Technical writers, copywriters, screenwriters, creative authors, are just a few examples of writing jobs available. Most writers are self-employed so they do not need to be drug tested.

29. Car Sales Agent

To be a car sales agent you must have great communication and persuasion skills in order to make sales. There are not any education requirements nor are there any drug test requirements. Car lots do not care what you do in your private time as long as you sell cars.

30. Online Tutor

Online English tutors, especially for international students, is a fast-growing field. The work that you do with these individuals is done entirely online, therefore, there is no chance of having to take a drug test.

31. Social Media Marketing Manager

Companies now more than ever are desperately looking to find people who can represent their companies on the web. An online presence is of the utmost importance in today’s world.

Credentials for this career mostly include being social media savvy as well as friendly and considerate of the current political climate. These jobs are mostly done remotely and require no drug testing.

32. Online Vendor

Independent jobs such as selling items online require no drug screenings. There is hardly any background information needed at all to be an online vendor. Keeping your customer reviews positive is virtually the only ethical concern.

33. Bartender

Bartenders fall in the same category as food service employees in that they rarely ever get drug tested. Bartender applicants should be friendly and able to handle a fast-paced environment depending on their place of employment.

34. General Contractor

As a general contractor, you are your own boss and therefore answer to nobody. There are certain licenses and insurance policies needed to be a general contractor so if you have interest in this field make sure to do your bureaucracy homework.

35. Master Grower

A master grower oversees an entire growing operation. Management skills are important to have aside from being a green thumb. As you can probably guess, master growers, do not drug test.

36. Budtender

A budtender is the person behind the weed counter who dispenses the product to customers. They must be knowledgeable of all things cannabis as well as have a friendly personality.

Budtenders of course do not drug test because they are expected to sample the cannabis products to be able to recommend certain ones to customers.

37. Greeter/Receptionist

A greeter must be sociable, outgoing, and demonstrate the ethics of customer service. Some companies may test applicants for this position but the vast majority do not.

38. Temporary Services

A company can contact a temp agency to find qualified temporary contractors to do specific jobs for a set amount of time. Temp employees are not required to drug test.

39. Construction

Construction workers are only required to take a drug test if they hurt themselves or others while on the job and are claiming to serve a lawsuit against the company they work for. Employees that use heavy machinery probably have to take regular drug tests for common safety practices.

40. Landscaping

A landscaping job is usually free from drug testing. Employees usually work outside for their shifts which makes drug testing less of a liability. A company will immediately drug test an employee if they hurt themselves and threaten legal action.

41. Dancers/Exotic Dancers

The profession of dancing both artistically or exotically is one that does not get drug tested. Competitive dancing however may drug screen, especially for performance-enhancing drugs.

42. Drivers For Hire

Uber or Lyft drivers are gig workers and therefore are not drug tested.

43. Food Delivery Drivers

Just like the other food service jobs, delivery drivers do not have to worry about performing drug tests.

44. Electrician

Electricians may be tested if they are employed by private companies. However, electricians that are independent contractors do not get tested.

45. Plumber

Plumbers that are independent contractors do not get tested for drugs.

46. Canvasser

Canvassers are commission-based employees who go door-to-door to either sell merchandise or register people for charitable or political agendas. Canvassers are subjected to background checks because they have to go to people’s homes, but they are not drug tested.

47. Auto Mechanic

Some big companies may test their employees for drugs, but most auto shops do not test their employees.

48. Locksmith

We have all needed a locksmith at some time in our lives. Luckily for them, they are not tested for drugs in large part because they often are not in offices around other employees. Therefore what they do with their own time has no bearing on anybody else.

49. Farmer

Farmers are usually their own bosses and therefore do not have to drug test for any company. Farmhands that work for the head farmers also are not drug tested.

50. Dishwasher

Similar to the other food service jobs, dishwashers are not required to drug test. Frankly, restaurants notoriously have difficulty with keeping dishwashers around which gives them less incentive to potentially restrict the number of eligible candidates.


Finding a comprehensive list of employers offering jobs that do not drug test might be impossible. After all, most companies that do not drug test prefer to stay quiet about it. That said, a few major companies are suspected of not having any drug-testing requirements.

These sources are usually current or former employees of those companies. But, it is important to remember that the drug screening policy of any given employer is always subject to change.

Here are a few large companies mentioned by current or former employees as places where drug testing is uncommon, does not exist, or is only done for those who drive or operate heavy machinery.

1. Google

Google is notoriously fun and a relaxed work environment. So it is not a surprise that they do not drug test their employees. Google headquarters is located in cannabis-friendly California which adds to the evidence that they just simply do not care about drugs, especially THC.

2. Chipotle

Chipotle has over 64,000 people working for them and none of them take drug tests. Chipotle has made Forbes’ list of best companies to work for multiple times. So as far as food places go, this may be one of the better ones to work for.

3. Apple

In keeping with its compatriots in the tech industry, Apple has no known drug testing policy for any of its employees. Apple wants to hire people who excel at their jobs, and the company recognizes that zero-tolerance drug testing policies further limit an already small talent pool.

4. Starbucks

Based out of the weed-friendly pacific northwest, Starbucks does not knowingly drug test its employees.

5. Microsoft

Microsoft is keeping up with its competitors by disengaging from a drug testing policy.

6. Whole Foods

The store chain Whole Foods does not drug test employees or job applicants. Most grocery stores avoid a drug screening program.

7. Michael’s

Michael’s claims to be a relaxed work environment that includes no particular drug testing mandate.

8. Petsmart

Petsmart holds itself to high standards in the competitive pet supplies industry. However, this does not include testing employees. A love for animals is all you need to succeed.

9. Dick’s Sporting Goods

One of the more renowned sporting goods stores, Dick’s is a competitive work atmosphere but does not adhere to drug tests.

10. Target

This famous superstore has recently modernized its drug-testing program: except for warehouse employees, Target does not require drug testing for any of their employees.

11. Qualcomm

Qualcomm is a modern tech company that has a competitive hiring process that does not include drug screening.

12. Gap

Gap is also headquartered in weed-loving California. Naturally, this explains their lack of a drug-testing program.

Tips for Finding Jobs that Do Not Drug Test

Here are some tips for finding jobs that do not drug test:

  • Go for organizations that have clear drug testing policies. Check their website, employee reviews, and reviews on platforms like Glassdoor.
  • Take advantage of your personal and professional networks and look for job opportunities in industries with lenient drug test requirements.
  • Try freelancing, where you do not have to work in-house. You can try freelancing jobs like writing, graphic design, web development, and consultation.
  • Instead of going for the corporate sector, look for small company setups or start-ups that do not yet have established drug testing policies.
  • Update your CV to highlight your skills and experience, which may override your drug history. Also, optimize your CV for positions that do not require drug testing.


Jobs that do not drug test offer a relaxed and peaceful environment that’s open to all individuals to learn and grow.

Whether you want a conventional job, a creative place, or wish to join a growing enterprise with lots of learning opportunities, the possibilities are endless. You just have to look at the right places, and we hope this article offers perspective on that.

The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical, legal, or professional advice. Cannabis use is subject to local laws and regulations, which vary widely by jurisdiction. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or altering an existing treatment regimen. The authors and publishers of this blog are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information provided herein. Use cannabis responsibly and in accordance with applicable laws. This blog is intended for adults aged 21 and over. The Sanctuary Dispensaries D186, D187.

Iftikhar Alam

With more than a decade of experience in writing for the cannabis industry, Alam is a well-established voice educating cannabis enthusiasts and inspiring and advocating responsible cannabis consumption. His expertise spans a range of topics, including cultivation techniques, medicinal benefits, legal developments, and lifestyle cannabis trends. LinkedIn profile